Server Status Checker

Enter up to 100 URLs (Each URL must be on separate line)

About Server Status Checker

What is Server/Website Status?

The status of the server/website tells whether or not everything is working properly. It could be "OK" or "not OK." OK means that the server/website is up and running, whereas not OK indicates that the server/website is down or not functioning properly. We use unique codes that the server gives when you ask it how it is doing to determine whether the server/website is functional. The code can then be returned by the server. Let's look at these codes in more detail.

200 OK: the request was successful and the server has sent back the requested data. 301 Moved Permanently: The content is moved permanently and future requests will be directed to a new location. 307 Temporary Redirect: The request should be completed with a different URL, however the same URL may be used in the future. 400 Bad Request: The server can not process the request if the server does not understand it. This could be due to unsupported encryption or frame size. 401 Unauthorized: The server has denied access to material that requires authentication, and the user has failed to provide it. 404 Not Found: The content you requested was not available at the time you requested it or is no longer available; users may receive a 404 result when content on a webpage is removed. 410 Gone: The requested content is no longer available; users receive a 410 answer when the webmaster deletes web page content on purpose. 500 Internal Server Error: Something awful has happened on the server side, and the server is unable to fulfill the request; this might happen when a site script error occurs.

What is the online Server/Website Status Checker?'s online Server/Website Status Checker is a one-click application that will check the webpage and display the server's return http code. Then you may compare that code to the ones we discussed earlier. This tool is easy to use: simply enter the webpage URL and press Submit; our server will send a request to the webpage and return to you with the response sent by that server.

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