Reverse IP Domain Lookup

Enter a valid IP or web domain

About Reverse IP Domain Lookup

What are IP and Domain?

The acronym IP stands for "Internet Protocol." A unique string of digits separated by periods is an IP address. A computer on the network is represented by this unique address. These IP addresses are divided into classes, subdivided into blocks, which are sold to ISPs (internet service providers) from various countries. Each IP address represents a computer on a network in a certain region. When you connect to the internet, your internet service provider (ISP) offers you a unique IP address that serves as a representation of your system on the internet.,, and other domains are human-readable and memoizable strings. These are referred to as domains because, unlike IP addresses, which are numbers and difficult to remember, domains are easier to remember by humans. When a domain name like is typed into a browser, it is first translated or resolved into an IP address, and then requests are made to that server using that IP address.

What is Reverse IP Domain Scanner?

The Reverse IP Domain Scanner tool from is used to locate other domains that are utilizing the same IP address as yours. For example, if you use shared hosting, it's obvious that others will as well. Shared hosting, in the first place, means that one server is shared by a number of website owners. Who are the other owners, or what other websites or domains are hosted on the same server as yours? To find out, the team at created the Reverse IP Domain Scanner tool. This tool is simple to use: simply type in your domain name, and it will scan it and tell you whether or not other domains are utilizing this server.

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