Pixel to Millimeter Converter

Enter pixel and mm for conversion.

Pixel px
PPI / DPI Round off
Millimeters mm

About Pixel to Millimeter Converter

Pixel to Millimeter Converter is a one-click utility that allows you to convert pixels to millimeters as well as millimeters to pixels. This tool's calculations also include DPI and PPI. That is, unlike other static pixels to millimeter converters, our program supports DPI, PPI, and round off decimal places. This tool is very simple to use; simply enter pixels or millimeters and it will do the math for you. To provide the best experience, it will save your desired DPI/PPI and round off settings to your browser cookies so that the next time you visit this tool page, it will load them for you and you will not have to change the settings every time.

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New tool added : SVG Zoom Dimension Calculator.


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