HTML to JavaScript or Java variable Convertor

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About HTML to JavaScript or Java variable Convertor

Convert HTML or Text to JavaScript or Java variable convertor is free tool from useotools, with which you can convert your raw html to JS and JAVA variable easily. As we know developers are struggling mostly with setting up big strings which contains html and its mostly very annoying because of the single and double quotes in the html code. So this tool can make JavaScript and Java developers life a bit easier by providing them with html to js and java strings on fly. Usage of this tool is very simple just input your HTML or text in the input editor or can open html file using open button of editor and once HTML is loaded in input editor then next scroll down a bit and you will see editor and tool options which includes options like single quote, double quote incase you are interested in generating single or double quotes strings, then you need to select desire language like JS or Java and then finally click blue convert button and you will see result in the output editor. Which you can copy with editor buttons or also can write to file by clicking the download button.

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