htaccess URL Rewriter

Enter a URL


About htaccess URL Rewriter

What is the .htaccess File?

The .htaccess file is a configuration file for Apache web servers that provides a variety of rules for Apache to follow, such as URL rewriting, locks on folders, webpage redirection, and so on. The .htaccess file is a valuable tool. For beginners, though, writing the rules is tough. If you have a long URL that you want to make short and search engine friendly, you can use .htaccess to do it by defining rules for that URL or kind of webpage.

What is Useotools .htaccess URL Rewriter?

The team created the .htaccess URL rewriter as an advanced tool to help users take advantage of the power of .htaccess rules. As previously stated, it is difficult for beginners to write .htaccess rules on their own. Hence our tool can assist you in writing those. This tool is very easy to use: simply enter your web URL that you want to be search engine friendly, press the Submit button, and you will receive the .htaccess file code that you can copy and paste into your web server's .htaccess file.

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