Broken Links Checker

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About Broken Links Checker

What is Broken Links and What are its Effects on Website Ranking?

What exactly are broken links? Broken links can also be known as Dead links or 404 links, however 404 Links is the most widely used term. So the next query is, "What are these 404 Links?" The explanation is that 404 links are those on websites that are dead, so if you click on them, you'll get nowhere. Normally, the web server informs us when we click a 404 link that the requested page cannot be found.

404 links have a highly negative impact on a website's ranking in search engines. As we know, a search engine crawler reads a webpage before visiting it if it contains a link. As a consequence, whenever a crawler discovers 404 links on a page, it informs the major search engine that the page has a high number of 404 links, which lowers the page's rating in search results. Therefore, it is wise to be aware of 404 links and to check that your website is clear of them.

What is Broken Links Checker Tool?

The Broken Links Checker from is a one-click application that checks your website's page for any 404 links; if any are discovered, it will show you how many were discovered so that they may be deleted. The tool's use is quite easy: after entering your website URLs and submitting, our crawler will visit your page, check it for 404 errors, and present the findings.

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