Beautify CSS

Enter your CSS here which you want to Beautify/Prettify:

About Beautify CSS

What are Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), what are they? We went into great detail regarding and its application in our Minify CSS tool about section. Here is the link to our Minify CSS tool: Just to be clear, CSS is a collection of guidelines that determines how a webpage will look. This is why you can see heartwarmingly colorful and lovely websites.

Why Beautify CSS?

What is the necessity for CSS beautification, is a really valid question. The majority of the time, templates come with minified CSS, or if we purchase a template, it will eventually use a minified third-party CSS framework. Therefore, if we wish to change CSS, it needs to be correctly formatted, or beautified so that it can be understood and adjusted to suit our needs. If we purchase a theme that uses blue and we prefer green, the correct procedure is to look for its CSS files, prettify them, and then modify the class properties to green.

What is Online Beautify CSS Tool?

With just one click, the Useotools online CSS beautifier will automatically improve your clumsy/minified CSS. It's easy to use this tool. First, open your minified CSS file in any text editor on your computer. Then, hit Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C to copy all the CSS at once. Next, paste the copied CSS into the tool's input box, and then press the blue Beautify CSS button. Once it's been enhanced, you can copy the enhanced CSS to your computer's clipboard by pressing the small clipboard icon next to the blue Enhance CSS button. Then, all you have to do is click Ctrl+V in the editor to paste the enhanced CSS. On our tool page, close to the blue Beautify CSS button, there is an undo button that you may press to get your previous minified CSS.

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