Online Base64 Encoder

Enter your text/data here to encode:

Use URL Safe base64

About Online Base64 Encoder

What is Base64 and What’s its Usage?

First thing first, what is Base64 actually? Base64 is a method or a technique through which binary data is converted into text ASCII (American Standard for Information Interchange). Next question arises: why do we need to convert binary data to ASCII? In certain cases we need this binary to ASCII conversion because some mediums only support ASCII and do not allow binary for some reasons. To bypass it then we encode our data to Base64, so that it can be sent through this medium, such as email messages on MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) and XML(Extensible Markup Language) data. Another question may arise that how data is encoded into Base64? The answer to this is that it is encoded by dividing each 3 bits of binary data into 6 bits units, which results in new data and this new data is then represented on a 64-radix numeral system and as 7 bits ASCII text. As each bit is divided into 2 bits, the encoded data is 33% larger in size compared to original data. Besides this, Base64 encoded data can not be read by humans. So Base64 encoding can also be used for security purposes in order to hide data from users or send files in Base64 format instead of binary format. Base64 encoding can also be used to store images in a database.

What is Useotools Base64 Encoder Tool? Base64 Encoder is a one-click tool that is designed to facilitate its user so that they can convert their files or data to Base64. Here one may ask what's so special about Base64 Encoder, there are a lot of other encoders in the online market? The answer to this very important question is that most of these Base64 Encoders do not work with non-English characters set. Our Base64 Encoder can encode non-English characters like Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and others. Usage of this tool is very simple: just paste your data and click the Encode button, your data will be encoded to base64 in a moment and then you can copy it. Also there is the option of “Use safe URL base64,” which can be checked in case base64 encoded data is about to be used in browsers address bars.

How to Decode Base64 Encoded Data??h3>

Yet another question arises in mind: if I encode my data to Base64, how am I going to decode it? Well do not worry, also offers a Base64 decoding tool, with which you can decode your data back to its original form. Base64 Decoder link:

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